[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Almost each and everyone in the world is on one social media platform. They are on them for different reasons. Some are there for ;leisure, interactions, learning , advertising and selling. Businesses will want to ensure that they appeal to this various peoples’ needs.
Social Media & Marketing
The different medias have a similarity of being social but they offer various functions to the whole social media strategy. You will want to effectively integrate these mediums . All in all, social media has to help expand other marketing efforts such as emailing, events and websites by augmenting them.
The media you use has to build awareness of your brand and the products or services offered. It has to allow you to easily connect with the right audience. Hence attract buyers to your business.
Buyer Persona
As highlighted above, different audiences will respond differently to your social media efforts. So, the trick hear is to understand your audience. Get the demographics of your audience. Know the age groups, gender, nationality and education of your prospects.
Also understand what influence their behavior through psychographics. Try to size out their lifestyle, values , opinions, social status and beliefs.
This will be a great step to achieving efficiency
Aligning social media to Business Objectives
Your goals need to be SMART. Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Relevant-Timely is the way to go. This will make it easy to plan, execute and measure the efficiency of your efforts.
Ideally speaking, each business and their departments goals should be:
- Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
- Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
- Assignable – specify who will do it.
- Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
- Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
This will guide your workforce on how they approach each an every tactic that they plan to incorporate in the social media strategy. Furthermore, plan out the components of your content. Are you going to use paid social media such as ads? Will you use pop culture to guide your thought process? How much organic content are you to publish?
Deciding on Channels

Not all media will work for your business. Therefore its best to first research. Research will help illuminate a lot of things for you. It will highlight what your competitors are using and the trending type of medias. For example 5 years back Tic Tock Was not there but in the space of 2 years it is one of the leading medias that uses video clips to reach clients.
Even if a medium is prominent at a particular time research will help show if it will work for your product. Not all media will correlate with what you offer.
Facebook is one of the oldest medium that used worldwide and has been evolving through out the years as we know see Facebook Business which allows companies to run targeted ads, access analytics to see leads and ads performance. Through the use of messenger a business is able to generate auto messages that will automatically answer most asked questions.
The integration of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram by Meta has enabled companies to analyze and assess the performs of this three mediums under one tool. This helps in building efficiency brainstorming , testing , measuring and applying tactics that will stimulate growth on each platform.
With Instagram as a graphic oriented app , you are able to test out different content types such as reels, short videos, stories and posts to see which ones work best.
YouTube is one great tool with the highest traffic and conversion rate in the world. It is a video oriented tool that allows companies to disseminate product offerings, educational materials and allow for human feel with interactivity options of comments and likes. The more quality content you , the more views a company achieves.
Also not forgetting Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and TikTok . Twitter allows for engagements as current news across the world are constantly shared together with peoples different views on the issues. LinkedIn is one other tool that helps businesses recruit and build networks with other business through building connections.
Remember everyone consumes information differently, so dip your finger into the pool and see that the water gets warmer and warmer. But always have your business goals in mind!